Based on our knowledge of and extensive experience with the local market, we offer customized market research and analysis. To meet each client’s specific goals, we collect relevant data for a given sector from official sources, as well as obtaining information in interviews with key representatives from different levels of the supply chain. We provide the most up-to-date data regarding the macroeconomic situation, legal and institutional framework, the market value, key players, competition, supply and demand, import and export, as well as analysis of the future opportunities and trends in the sector.
Over the years, we have conducted market research and analysis in a large number of sectors including: industrial fluids, hydro-electric power, pharmaceutical instruments, in-strore communication devices, insulation materials, stainless steel housewares, printed circuit boards, ceramic tiles, watches and jewelry, translation services, telecommunications, mining, housing and real estate, floricultural and ornamental plants, bread and bakery sector, etc.