Spanish Trade Mission March 2011 – FERRO SYSTEMS S.L.

During the period March 21-24 2011 consulting company Serdon, in accordance with its longterm partnership with EXTENDA – Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia, organized an Individual Trade Mission in Bulgaria of Grupo Plásticos Ferro, the leading Spanish producer of PVC, polypropylene and polyethylene pipes for water supply systems ad canalization.

Grupo Plásticos Ferro ranks third in Europe among the PVC, polypropylene and polyethylene pipes for water supply systems and canalization producers. It has 7 factories in Spain and 1 in Marocco. It offers its products in various countries among which are France, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Marocco, countries from Latin America, etc.

Ferro Systems S.L. (, the company specialized in the export activities of the holding Grupo Plásticos Ferro, expressed their will to establish longterm partnerships with Bulgarian companies from the sector and in this way to expand their product presence on the local market in the future.

During their stay in Bulgaria, the Spanish representatives of Ferro Systems S.L. held meetings with leading Bulgarian producers, distributors and tradesmen in the sector. They exchanged market information, contact details and visions about establishing potential future partnerships.

The meetings served as forum for discussions on the newest technologies in the production process of the vast range of products for internal and external water supply and canalization systems. Both parties exchanged as well valuable experience and perspectives on the market developments on national, European and global level.

According to the Spanish company Ferro Systems S.L. the Trade Mission was successful. The number of potential Bulgarian partners had exceeded their expectations. Their preliminary evaluations show that 80 % of the Bulgarian companies that participated in the bilateral meetings possess real potential for a working cooperation.

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